What should a good CV look like? 5 tips from Recrewter

What should a good CV look like? 5 tips from Recrewte

Despite the fact that the world is changing at an amazing pace, there are still unchanging things that determine whether we get the dream job or not. The thing that does not change is your CV (Curriculum vitae). It has been required of future employees from time immemorial. So the question arises: What should such a CV look like? There is no clear answer to them, however, we will try to provide you with tips that will make your CV increase the success of the recruitment process.

1. You don't have to waffle

If you are applying for the position of a developer, try to include related content in your CV. Of course, other skills are also worth mentioning. You just have to remember not to hide the skills that are important in the position you are interested in.

2. Don't forget about BIO!

Tell recruiters about what interests you, what you do and in what direction you would like to go. This will help the HR department see if you will fit in with the given team and company structure. BIO is also a good place where you can boast about your achievements, e.g. winning a science competition.

3. Check if the links are working

If you include links in your CV, make sure that they work so that the recruiter can easily see what you want to show him. It's a good idea to put QR codes instead of links if you are leaving your printed CV at the company's premises.

4. Remember the chronology

When you write about your achievements or have a timeline where you list your current jobs, put the information chronologically (latest events at the top). This will allow the person reading your CV to see how you have developed and what you are striving for.

5. Consent to process personal data.

Jeśli Twoje CV jest idealne, a nie zawiera klauzuli na temat przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych, rekruterzy nie mogą się nim posługiwać. Krótko mówiąc nie bierzesz wtedy udziału w procesie rekrutacyjnym.


Although we consider a CV to be archaic, it is still valid in many companies. Despite paperwork, we should focus on the personality and skills of the candidates throughout the recruitment process. We hope these tips will help you get your dream job! Referring to Recrewter's keynote, it is worth quoting the words of Confusius at the end.

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